Writer Wellness is a lifestyle technique for anyone who loves to create. It’s packed with over 120 activities to stimulate creativity and health by encouraging regular journal writing, exercise, relaxation, proper nutrition, and creative play. Regardless of style, genre, or writing goals, Writer Wellness is the perfect writer’s companion.

Buy link (print): http//:www.headlinebooks.com

Buy link (ebook): https://issuu.com/headlinebooksinc/docs/wellness_text03
Praise for Writer Wellness:
“Writer Wellness changed my life. Yes, that’s a bold statement, but it’s true. Going through this program forced me to address parts of my life in need of change. The result? I’m happier, healthier, and much more productive. Years later, I still rely on the exercises and journaling methods presented in this book. Thank you, Joy.”
–Sandy Tritt, CEO, Inspiration for Writers, Inc.
“Joy Held’s instructions, advice, and encouragement provide a very effective method. Writer Wellness is a how-to-do-it guide written to be useful to anyone at almost any age who is truly interested in creative writing.”
–Patricia Gaston, Ph.D
“In Writer Wellness, Joy Held presents a comprehensive program for achieving mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical unity. As an author, I know the challenges of maintaining a healthy lifestyle while being absorbed by my writing. Healthy meals and exercise are the first to go. I do my best work when I’m rested, centered, and my body is comfortable.
As a former phychotherapist, I believe in the value of creativity that feeds the human spirit and engages the mind and the emotions. I’ve long believed that creativity is a human need and results in joy and wholeness. Joy Held has given us a book that will not only benefit writers, but anyone who wants to live a healthier lifestyle and tap into the depths of their creative spirit.”
–Linda Rettstatt, author of Next Time I’m Gonna Dance, http://lindarettstatt.
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